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Chanson, Pop, Blues


Harvest moon                                    -   Neil Young

I should have know better               -   The Beatles

Eye in the sky                                     -   The Alan Parson Project

I can help Falling in Love                  -   Elvis Presley

Now I know what made Otis Blue   -   Paul Young

Quand j's'rai Ko                                  -   Alain Souchon

Heart of Gold                                      -   Neil Young

Sailling                                                 -    Rod Stewart

Upside Down                                      -   Jack Johnson

Teach your children                          -   Crosby / Steel / Nash

Sur la route                                        -   De Palmas

La semaine prochaine                      -   Marc Lavoine

My sweet Lord                                   -   Georges Harrison

A horse with no name                      -   América

J'passe pour une caravane              -    Alain Bashung

Fragile                                                 -    Sting

Give a little bit                                    -    Supertramp / R.Holson

La dame de Haute-Savoie                -   Françis Cabrel

Hit the road Jack                                -   Ray Charles

Tears in heaven                                 -    Eric Clapton


Equipe :
1 Guitariste - Chanteur

1H30 à 3H00 (suivant prestation)

LEZARALOUEST - 2, avenue du Gulf Stream - ZAC Pornichet Atlantique - 44380 PORNICHET

SIREN : 800 520 371 - APE : 9002Z

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